About Mikva mayim chaim

As women, we know that going to the mikvah isn’t a regular mitzvah; it’s the foundation of our Jewish home, the essence of our spiritual power. It’s a mitzvah that women have sacrificed for throughout the ages, again and again.

Is there any mitzvah more deserving of beauty? 

This was the driving force behind the Mayim Chaim mikvah of Ramat Beit Shemesh. We set out not just to provide a desperately-needed new mikvah to meet the explosive growth of the Ramat Beit Shemesh community, but to provide the optimal environment to perform this special mitzvah.  

To build a place just for you.  The place where you can best experience rejuvenation  

The result? The most beautiful, user friendly and hygienic mikvah in Israel, with two floors of unparalleled comfort, glistening with the finest finish and loaded with the latest technology. A mikvah that brings the concept of hiddur mitzvah to a whole new level.

Optimal Aesthetics and Luxury

At Mikvah Mayim Chaim, women enjoy a spa-like experience with the highest standards in luxury and aesthetics.  Every detail and feature of the mikvah – from the marble floors to the advanced technology embedded in every aspect of the experience – was carefully designed to provide a place to relax and refocus.  To switch off from everyday worries and immerse in full-sensory serenity and return  fully rejuvenated. 

Optimal Taharah and Kedushah

Our Mikvah was built with the highest standards of halachic hiddur, under the guidance of local rabbanim and the Eida Charedis, so thata woman can feel confident that she will perform this mitzvah with the maximum level of purity.

At the same time, we believe that every woman is the owner of her mitzvah, and we afford each woman the respect to choose what level of halachic stringency she desires.  The mikvah attendant’s examination process is thus highly personalized, with each woman checked at the level she feels comfortable with, according to the guidance of her personal rabbi.  

This is why Mikvah Mayim Chayim has invested greatly in ensuring that each woman who comes to the mikvah maintains the dignity of her privacy.  Features such as our advanced booking system, spaced-out room assignments, special door-locking system and more, ensure that your mikvah experience will be your special, private monthly time. 

Our Balaniot

Our Balaniot

Our Unique Features

Kallah’s Suite

Beautiful Kallah preparation room with a private entrance to the mikvah, plus a separate reception area for family accompanying her on this special day

Balaniot that are there for you.

The Mikvah attendant will provide the level of service with which you are comfortable.

Automatic Door Locking System

To ensure full privacy when coming in and out of the preparation room.

Sophisticated Technology

From booking the appointment to engaging with the balanit, the entire experience is streamlined by our sophisticated technological system. Convenient and efficient.


We take the hygiene of our mikvah very seriously and employ the highest standards in cleanliness.


Yes. We highly recommend women book their appointments in advance to enable us to have the room ready for her when she arrives. We find that advance-booking is the best way to give you an experience that is both time-efficient and comfortable.   However, we do accept walk-ins as well. 

Appointments can be booked by our sophisticated phone system, or directly on our website. take me to the booking page

The mikvah is under the supervision of local rabbanim representing the various religious communities of Ramat Beit Shemesh, as well as the Eidah Charedis.

We’ve built several features into our mikvah to ensure your utmost privacy.  These features include: 

– Pre-booked appointments and spaced-out room assignments to prevent crowding and extended waiting times

– Customized booking experience, using numbers rather than names

-Private seating area for those waiting to use the mikvah who had not pre- booked a room. 

– Preparation room doors that lock automatically to make sure two women don’t leave their rooms at the same time.

– Separate hallways to enter the preparation rooms and the mikvah. 

– Separate building entrance and exit, on different sides of the building. 

Our mikvah attendants are here to help.  They are trained to assist every individual in the way they are most comfortable. The balanit will always ask each woman how they would like to be served,and will assist accordingly.

In addition, you have the option of selecting which balanit you’d like.  When you arrive at the mikvah, you will be informed which balaniot are on duty and can choose whom you want.

We open one hour before shkiyah and in the summer one and a half hours before shkiyah,and remain open until the last appointment is finished.  On Friday nights we’re open from 10 minutes before shkiyah until Rabbeniu Tam. (Leil Shabbos appointments should also be booked in advance.)

Our building is fully handicapped accessible, with facilities to assist women with disabilities prepare themselves for the mikvah.  One of our mikvahs is wheelchair-accessible, with a track to lower the wheelchair directly into the mikvah.

The mikvah undergoes a thorough cleaning each day as well as cleaning and sterilization between appointments.  Our mikvah cisterns were built according to the highest European standards for water hygiene and systems maintenance.


Nachal Luz 16 Ramat Beit Shemesh A